Weather Radars

Meteorological Weather Radars Manufacturers

Boundary Layer Wind Profiler Radar

The system is a Doppler, steerable beam, boundary layer wind profile radar, with solid-state transmitter, that reliably provide continuous and real-time vertical profiles of horizontal wind speed and direction, horizontal wind components, and vertical velocity from 100m up to 3km above ground level (a g l) in unattended operation.
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Weather Radars

Troposphere Wind Profiler Radar

The system is a Doppler, steerable beam, wind profile radar, solid-stats transmitter, that reliably provides continuous and real-time vertical profile of horizontal wind speed and direction, horizontal wind components, and vertical velocity from 150m up to 16km above ground level (a g l) in unattended operation.
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Weather Radars

Stratosphere Wind Profiler Radar

The stratospheric wind profile radar adopts solid-state active phased-array, digital receiver and other advanced technological elements such as atmospheric horizontal wind velocity and direction, vertical movement and refractive index (Cn2) of atmospheric structure with the height from 1.5km to 23km. This radar has characteristics such as high data acquisition rate, high reliability and unattended mode.
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Weather Radars

FM-CW Wind Profiler Radar

The FM-CW Wind profile radar is designed with high surveying performance for low attitude temporal resolution and system sensitivity.
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Weather Radars

X- Band Dual Polarization Weather Radar

X-Band weather radar is mainly used to obtain reflectivity factors, radial velocity, spectrum width and polarization parameters of cloud and rain targets within an effective range. It is a powerful tool for the analysis of medium-scale and small-scale weather system, warning of severe convection and formulate short-term weather forecasts. It can be used for the real-time monitoring and warning for medium-scale and small-scale storms, hails, strong wind shears, cyclones, tornadoes, high winds and other disastrous weather.
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Weather Radars

Ka Band Scanning Millimeter Wave Cloud Radar

The ka Band scanning Millimeter wave cloud radar is a high accuracy, high sensitivity, and high spatial resolution dual polarization scanning cloud radar for ka-band, with TWT, magnetron or solid-stat transmitter. The radar is mainly used for detection & measurement of metrological objects, such as non-precipitation cloud, and weak precipitation which can service cloud physics research, climate change, Earth’s radiation balance research, modification, airport metrological support, etc.
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Weather Radars

C- Band Weather Radar

The C-band dual polarization full coherent weather radar is an new generation weather radar. It has two operation modes, one is the dual line polarization transmit/ receive mode, the other is the horizontal liner transmit and dual liner polarization receive mode. The radar is used for application in weather, weather artificial intervention, water conservancy, aviation, military and scientific research sectors.
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Weather Radars


We have lidars for vertical profile wind measurements and 3D scanning of wind fields.
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